Experiment Space

In order to group the files associated with an experiment in a structured manner user scripts will create a space dedicated to the experiment. The space, experiment directory, will be a sub-directory in working directory. The name of experiment directory is descriptive as it contains an ID and scan ranges.
ex: with experiment ID of “ABC”, and scan “56-78”, the experiment directory is ABC_56-78.
Below we show experiment directory structure for various use cases.

Single reconstruction

Below is a directory tree that is created for an experiment when using users scripts. Refer to Using cohere with cohere-ui package page for description and explanation how to use the scripts and to Configuration page for configuration files and parameters.

The directory tree is created by users scripts. Below is a sequence of events that produces the experiment directory tree.
  • The experiment should be set up with “conf” subdirectory containing configuration files. There are scripts that create the initial experiment space.

  • The script “beamline_preprocess.py” creates “prep_data.tif” file in “preprocessed_data” subdirectory. This is a file ready to be formatted.

  • The script “standard_preprocess.py” reads the “preprocessed_data.tif” file, formats it, and saves the result in the “phasing_data” subdirectory as “data.tif” file. This file is ready for reconstruction.

  • The “run_reconstruction.py” script reads “data.tif” file and runs phasing. The results are stored in the “results_phasing” subdirectory in “image.npy” file, along with “support.npy, and “coherence.npy” if partial coherence feature is configured.

  • The “beamline_visualization.py” script loads the arrays from “results_phasing” directory, processes the image and saves it in the results_viz directory.

After running all the scripts the experiment will have the following files:

Multiple reconstruction

If running multiple reconstructions which is driven by configuration (i.e. the “config_rec” file contains “reconstructions” parameter set to a number greater than 1) the “results” directory will have subdirectories reflecting the runs. The subdirectories are named by the number. The results_phasing will contain the numbered subdirectories, each with image.npy and support.npy files, and results_viz subdirectories, each with image.vts and support.vts files.
Below is an example of “results” directory structure when running three reconstructions:

Genetic Algorithm

Results of reconstruction when using GA are reflected in relevant directory structure. The “results” directory will have subdirectories reflecting the generation, and each generation subdirectory will have subdirectories reflecting the runs. The generation directory is a concatenation of “g”, underscore, and the generation number.
Below is an example of “results” directory structure when running two generations and three reconstructions. Only the last generation is saved.:

Separate scans

When the experiment is configured as separate reconstruction for each scan, the experiment directory will contain a subdirectory for each scan. This use case is configured in “config_prep” file by setting parameter “separate_scans” to True. Each scan directory is a concatination of “scan”, underscore, and the scan number. Each of the scan subdirectories will have preprocessed_data, phasing_data, results_phasing, and results_viz subdirectories. The configuration is common for all scans. If running multiple reconstructions or GA, the directory structure in each scan directory will reflect it, as described in above sections.
Below is an example of directory structure for separate scans.

Alternate configuration

The “run_rec.py” script supports feature of running reconstruction with alternate configuration(s). Each alternate configuration must be named with arbitrary postfix (rec_id), preceded by “confic_rec” and underscore. This file should be created in the conf subdirectory. Refer to ‘Scripts’ section below for instruction how to run a case with alternate reconstruction configuration.
After running the “run_rec” script with this option, the results will be saved in the results_phasing_<rec_id> directory.
Below is an example of directory structure with alternate configuration.