============ Installation ============ Currently we offer pip installation of the official release for Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems. The latest development can be installed with cloning the "Dev" branch. Look at the "Latest development installation" section for instructions. Conda Installation ================== This will install latest official release. First you must have `Conda ` installed. It is highly recommended to install the cohere_core package in conda environment. Supported python versions are 3.6 - 3.10. | Create and activate the environment. Run the commands below:: conda create -y -n -c conda-forge python=3.10 conda activate then run the cohere installation command:: pip install cohere-core The cohere_core package can be run utilizing numpy library. Other available libraries are cupy and torch. User has to install the preferred library. If using cupy library:: conda -y install cupy=12.2.0 -c conda-forge If torch is preferred, install with command:: conda -y install -c conda-forge torch The cohere-core package does not install python packages used by user's scripts in cohere-ui package. If planning to use the scripts Refer to :ref:`use` page, section "Installing Scripts". Note: The cupy installation on Windows may result in incompatible libraries, which makes the environment unusable. Run the repack.bat script from cohere-ui package and try running again. Latest development installation =============================== This will install the latest development. It might be not 100 percent tested. This installation might be right for a user that is looking for new feature that has not been released yet or want to try the latest development. We appreciate reporting any issues. Create environment, activate it and clone cohere repository. It contains the cohere-ui submodule. Run the following commands:: conda create --name -c conda-forge python=3.10 mayavi pyqt scikit-image xrayutilities conda activate git clone https://github.com/advancedPhotonSource/cohere --recurse-submodules cd cohere git checkout Dev pip install . cd cohere-ui git checkout Dev python setup.py For Windows make sure that numpy version is 1.23.5. The commands above will create conda environment and activate it, clone the packages, get the Dev branch, install, initialize. | If using cupy library:: conda -y install cupy=12.2.0 -c conda-forge | If using torch library:: pip install torch After installation you may start using scripts from this directory, for example:: python cohere-scripts/cdi_window.py